Daniel Cosby, Experienced Dentist: Advantages of Dental Implants

Daniel Cosby has been a professional dentist for nearly a decade. Over that time, Dr. Cosby has enjoyed the chance to provide treatment to numerous patients, as well as to help improve smiles and oral health for many throughout the area.

An expert in dental implant placement and restoration, Dr. Cosby understands the many advantages dental implants have over traditional dental procedures, including:

Permanence: Because implants are designed to fuse with your bone, they provide a more permanent option than traditional tooth replacement methods.

Durability: Unlike bridges, crowns and dentures, dental implants can serve as durable teeth replacements for a lifetime. With good care, implants tend to retain a high level of durability.

Appearance: Quality dental implants, as experienced dentist Daniel Cosby knows, provide the look and feel of your own teeth.

Oral Health: Often times, a tooth-supported bridge will require the reduction of surrounding teeth in order to properly support it. Dental implants generally don’t require such an alteration, which leaves your existing teeth intact and helps improve your long-term oral health.

Daniel Cosby is a graduate of the University of Tennessee College of Dentistry. He has been a Doctor of Dental Surgery since 2010.

Visit: https://danielcosbydentist.wordpress.com

Daniel Cosby: Questions to Ask Your Dentist

Dr. Daniel Cosby provides quality dentistry to patients throughout the Cleveland, Tennessee area, delivering the care, advice and treatment people need to ensure healthier, more beautiful smiles for years to come. An experienced dentist and member of the Tennessee Dental Association, Dr. Daniel Cosby looks forward to the opportunity to help patients achieve great oral health well into the future.

As Dr. Cosby knows, it’s important to be informed when it comes to your oral health. Knowing how best to care for and maintain a healthy smile is key to becoming a more proactive participant in your own dental care, and asking your dentist questions on a regular basis is one of the best ways to stay on top of your own dental hygiene routine.

Such questions may include:

What Are Common Ways to Practice Good Oral Hygiene at Home?

Your dentist may recommend avoiding foods that are high in sugar, as well as to work on maintaining a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity (and Why Is It Bothering Me)?

Depending on your unique smile and oral health, a dentist such as Daniel Cosby will most likely tell you your sensitivity is the result of thinned tooth enamel, which itself can have numerous causes (tooth grinding, receding gums, chipped teeth, fillings, etc.).

Daniel Cosby Dentist: Fields of Interest

Daniel Cosby works as a dentist within the community of Cleveland, Tennessee. An experienced professional, Daniel Cosby Dentist is well-versed in such dental treatments as implant placement and restoration, Cerec Technology, Laser Dentistry, Oral Sedation and the cutting-edge Invisalign® teeth straightening method. He is DOCS certified in Oral Sedation (2012), and earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Tennessee in 2010.  He enjoys the opportunity to provide quality dental services to a variety of patients.

Here’s oral surgery common reasons

Daniel Cosby Dentist: Why Invisalign Braces May Be Right for You

Daniel Cosby, a respected dentist based in Cleveland, Tennessee, knows that Invisalign may be an excellent option for certain patients in need of bite correction services, boasting numerous benefits such as the following:

  • As an adult, dentists and orthodontists understand that braces can feel unsightly and embarrassing. Invisalign clear braces often go unnoticed, which can make a big difference in patients’ daily lives and self-esteem.
  • Traditional braces can be quite painful, and they are not removable until the desired results have been achieved. Invisalign clear braces, however, can be removed during eating and drinking, or simply when you need a short break. In addition, while metal braces can also cause damage to your mouth with the protruding bits of metal, Invisalign aligners are smooth.
  • Invisalign clear braces work quickly to achieve desired results, typically taking around a year for completion.

Daniel Cosby knows that his career as a dentist has helped many patients achieve excellent oral health. He is a RAMM volunteer dental provider, a travelling free clinic dedicated to bringing free services to patients in remote areas.

Learn more about the benefits of Invisalign here:  

Daniel Cosby Dentist: When Is It the Time for a Root Canal?

As an experienced and passionate Daniel Cosby Dentist knows that many people put off tooth problems until they begin to experience severe pain, which has the capacity to cause further damage. The following symptoms may be a sign that your dentist will recommend that you undergo a root canal procedure:

  • On a very basic level, a severe toothache may be the main symptom along with tenderness and swelling in the gums in the surrounding area.
  • You may see that the tooth is discolored and that you feel heightened sensitivity to both cold and hot temperatures. Pain while chewing and applying pressure are also common signs.

Daniel Cosby knows that many patients are fearful of visiting a dentist, but he wants to make the procedure as comfortable as possible. When describing the priority that he places on his career, he’s stated, “I enjoy the challenges and rewards that [each day] brings as a healthcare professional and dealing with the everyday business of the practice.” He lives in Cleveland, Tennessee with his wife and daughter.

Visit: http://danielcosbydentist.tumblr.com